Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Unity of Fools - Part I of III


A well-known concept to those who study our Sources, is 'The Mercy of Fools'.

It is clear that we have been facing terrible tragedies in 'The Modern State of Israel', since its inception, many failures to capitalise on miraculous victories that we have clearly been awarded by the Grace of God.

What is not clear is the reason for our continued suffering and failure to find a true peace, wherein our enemies cease continuing to attempt destroying us by any means available.
In my opinion, we have been victimised by a process that I call, "The Unity of Fools". Wherein, not only is nearly every evil, malicious, inconsiderate or even foolish action taken by the regime is accepted without any effective counter-action, but the entire initiative is ceded from the outset due to a compulsive striving for "Unity", a misconstrued panacea extracted and abused, many times grossly out of context, from our Holy Sources and lowest points of our history. Much more about this concept [The Unity of Fools], will be explained in the next essay of this series.

Part I

I will suggest a probable cause for this, that needs to be rectified and can be. However, this unconventional but tremendously simple observed truth must be unobscured, using accumulated facts as a whetstone to sharpen the blade of our perception in order to cut away the layers dulling our perception of truth and capacity for action.

The State of Israel has always been controlled by a minority of persons, using all means available, ruthlessly and with no restraint whatsoever, for the entire and sole purpose of controlling the population for their own ends. In the beginning, it appears that those ends were consolidation of control to such an extent that it would be 'irreversable', no matter what kind of political party/philosophy was 'elected' at any given time in the future. One who was not a 'party member' would be beyond the pale, a miscreant, outcast troublemaker who would at best be 'tolerated'. One who doubts this, need only to look into the ramifications for one living in Israel who was not a member of the Mapa"i party, nor a card-carrying member of the Histadrut labour union [therby supporting this malignant behemoth with dues extorted from all member-workers' paltry salaries]. One merely needs to look into the stilted tax and social security/health structures for one who was a 'labourer' as opposed to an independant business owner [both hideous, just worse for the independant].

This was before the days of Israel being aligned with the US, by the way [for some examples of the scope, just look into the public eulogies for comrade Stalin printed in the media organs of the ruling regime in Israel at the time of his death, as well as who exactly assisted Israel in establishing nuclear power/weapons, and who hatched and participated with Israel in the Suez Campaign of 1956]. Note also the extreme efforts made to create a new 'Hebrew' person, the 'Israeli', as opposed to the 'Jew', clearly and often stated in secular Zionist writings, clearly and often implemented against observant Jews arriving in Israel (be it from eastern Europe or the Middle East). Look into how traditional family units were intentionally destroyed, traditions and values trampled and humiliated, in many cases admittedly to create a 'worker class' [the Communist Manifesto and other works of that nature surely elaborate a rationale for these methodologies as well as the aims]. Don't be mislead and think that victms of kibutz society (ie, the working members of the kibutz) were free from this 'social engeneering'; kindly look into the child raising methodology employed and its long-term effects, as well as the virtual slave labour extracted in exchange for room, board and sexual licentiousness.

Alas, the beuraucratic regime grew heavy upon its victims, 'red communism' was fading to at best a pale shade of pink, the strains of the 'Internationale' were growing wan and aggravating. Golda Meir and associates, including Rabin the proud murderer from the Altalena incident, the coward of '67, cynically recycled as 'Mr. Security' during the run-up to the Oslo treasons, laying in an army cot suffering a nervous breakdown, certainly moved to orient Israel into the American realm. This lead to the near-defeat in the Yom Kippur War, October, 1973, the well-known failure of 'the Concept', the withdrawal of Meir and the rise of Rabin. The shift to manure the existing barren political bankruptcy with some Western capatalistic freshness had already begun. Menachem Begin, with the assistance of tremendous failures undeniably highlighting the arrogant incompetence of the regime figures gripping Israel until then, propelled by an awakening of the trampeled 'mizrachim' [Jews of middle-eastern origins], swept into power in 1977.

The majority of the victimised citizenry of Israel waited for the corrupt scoundrels and their lackeys to be punished or at the very least, removed from any influence, for a more objective media to rise in place of the existing tool of internal control, for the gangster Histadrut to be eliminated, for the bankrupt kibutz paradigm to shatter.

But it was not to be - Begin finally stepped into the leader's shoes, and we found out they were several sizes to large for him. The man of fiery rhetoric, the alleged leader of underground exploits of heroism, was no more than a weak man with a big mouth, typically ready to not only bend over in front of our enemies at the first sign of the 'magic word' [peace], but who's only question was, "How far?". For further detail, kindly look into who gave away our Sinai [containg natural gas and oil wells, with at least enough supplies for a majority of Israel's needs, airbases, productive settlements and lucrative tourism attractions, etc.] for absolutely nothing. Look into where the stupefying concept of 'autonomy' came from, what was the 'Madrid Conference', who participated in these treasons [which they were retroactively held guiltless for] and obviously where that all lead. Then the little killer, Shamir, legendary in his cold-blooded ways and equally as legendary in his refusal to discuss them - allowed Israel to be struck no less than 39 times by Iraqi Scud missiles, without any prevention or punishment - the only action taken was passing out gas masks [that wouldn't have worked for the kinds of chemical weapons Iraq had at the time, by the way, but that wasn't mentioned on any of the news programs].

After a peiod of dashed hopes, more of the same with a wild-west aroma of corrupt money-grubbing, custom made for a series of scandals [with many high-profile persons from Ezer Weizman all the way to Aryeh Deri getting caught brown-fingered], from the midst of which, who should re-appear but none other than 'Mr. Security', Rabin, strangely allied with Shimon 'The Loser' Peres leading the Arab and post-zionist vanguard in a mad, headless dash towards a 'new middle-east'. New, cutting-edge Public Relations techniques replace old, tired 'red' propaganda methodologies [after all, those propaganda-style slogans only work on an ideological victimry, which as we see had been materialised into an even more complacent mass, that needed to be 'sold to' rather than 'inspired'].

Dragged out of near irrelevancy and bankruptcy, was Yasser Arafat, because "he would have no Israeli High Court" standing in his way of eliminating the Hamas [Israeli-created, out of the Islamic Brotherhood, for the purpose of fighting our ex-arch-enemies, the 'marxist/secular terrorists' of - the PLO]. Not only did they [Arafat and PLO] get returned to our liberated areas of Judea, Samaria and Gaza, they also recieved weapons, ammunition, vehicles, equipment and training from Israel and - the US [including FBI and CIA training in 'law enforcement' and 'counterinsurgency', including sniper training, which came in handy against dangerous enemies like 10-month-old Shalhevet Pas, and others].

When, amidst the wholesale murderous bloodshed brought to us by the Oslo treason [which got the Nobel Prize of Peace for the trio Arafat, Rabin and Peres], Rabin was assasinated, Peres called new elections, and was beaten by Bibi Netanyahu. The country heaved a sigh of relief, perhaps a wakeup call had been heeded. Tough Bibi's moves were powerful and decisive - full compliance with the Wye agreements [which Sharon helped finalise], some good old public corruption and other embarassment, but what could be expected from someone with a confirmed US-citizen alter-ego by the name of Sullivan [this fact was actually revealed in Israel but soon after, buried and forgotten].

Easily enough, with all of the US assistance received, Ehud Barak won the next elections, tried and failed to give away most of liberated Israel to Arafat, ran from Lebanon, and also oversaw a huge slaughter of Jews in Israel by suicide murderers, etc. When Sharon ousted the failure Bibi from the Likud, he ran against 'the monkey wrench' from his Lebanon war, Peace for the Galilee of 1982, Amram Mitzneh[refusal to follow orders in a critical campaign in the war, which he got rewarded for by going to a US military command college and then appointed as the Chief of the Central Command of the IDF].

Mitzneh's political campaign, vehemently opposed by Sharon, was nearly exactly what Sharon did, except worse, after he defeated Mitzneh and was elected and became Prime Minister.

Sharon carries out his retreat from Gaza, several towns in Judea and Samaria, deporting the Jewish residents and destroying any vestige of their presence, including synagogues and digging up Jewish graveyards.

Then, after dumping the Likud party he formed to 'help Begin' back in the day, creating a political bordello called 'Kadima' which attracted every corrupt hack in Israeli politics who had anything Sharon thought he might need, Sharon suffers a stroke, a brain hemhorrage and who should become the next unelected PM of Israel [in an illegal maneuver very similar to a 'bloodless coup'; plenty about this has been detailed elsewhere] - with good old Peres 'The Loser' as his vice-PM, but Ehud 'Tired of fighting, tired of winning' Olmert [with a fairly well-known past of being involved in many criminal schemes of corruption but always manageing to remain an 'unindicted co-conspirator'].

When election time comes around, Sharon's Kadima, now headed by Olmert, wins a (not) fantastic 20 mandates or so less than predicted by the cheerleading media [29 mandates], neccesitating a union with Amir 'Paralise the Nation' Peretz, ex-head of the Histradrut and now head of the Labour Party, who gets himself appointed Minister of Defence.

Now, due to the state of the military, decimated by years of neglect towards any effective, professional military person and advancement of political hacks-in-uniform, Israel is suprised by murdering of several soldiers and kidnapping of another near Gaza [in addition to continuous rocket and mortar barrages], the kidnap-murder of a young boy in Samaria, and finally, a murder-kidnap operation on the norther border. By the way, it is admitted that both the enemy 'military' operations were able to be prevented/stopped/foiled after they started, but 'the chain of command' wouldn't authorise our soldiers to fire in time or even activate the already-established procedure for these situations [and that can only make one wonder, just what kind of command is in charge that would neccessitate a front-line combat unit getting authorisation from a non-in-the-field authority in order to open fire or utilise a specific procedure for such a situation].

Proclamations regarding the decimation of Hisbollah after waves of murderous, destructive rocket attacks into northern Israel, are counterbalanced by later statements, such as 'We won't stop/destroy Hisbollah or the rockets', 'We are fighting to secure positions for some kind of international force', 'This war is in order to enable further retreat and deportation of Jews from liberated areas of Israel'.

Hopefully, the proceding covered as briefly as possible without losing focus, an overview of a rather clear factual progression leading us to our present state of near desperate hopelessness, as well as nearly certain painful, meaningless defeat, leading to even worse troubles in the near and more distant future.

It must be noted that the preceding are merely symptoms [public manifestations] of underlying causes.

In order to identify the root of the problem clearly, the next essay will cover the social conditions and intentional methodologies employed, allowing such actions by the regime, which are at best blatantly stupid, and at worst intentionally treasonous, wantonly and maliciously opposed to our national well-being and interests.

Which will lead to the final essay in this series, covering effective counter-measures for overcoming the regime and its detrimental actions, in order to uproot the causes which prevent us from becoming 'the Free Jewish Nation in the Land of Israel'.



Blogger Mad Zionist said...

Very nice, albeit brief, rundown of the history of Israeli political corruption and incomptetence. Like your site and have blogrolled you at my site.

09 August, 2006 02:33  
Blogger Truth said...

mad zionist,

Thank you kindly, sir, for joining the hundreds who read my blog, and for being one of the few to actually comment :-)

I'm adding you to my blogroll, too.

The rundown is indeed intentionally brief, due to my desire to retain a reader's interest and 'overwhelming' them with too much info at once.

Thanks again, brother.


09 August, 2006 12:45  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Came by from Madz's.

Like your style and conciseness.

Hope to read much more.

10 August, 2006 07:39  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice post Truth, I hope you'll blog regularly

16 August, 2006 07:45  
Blogger B. Spinoza said...


can you email me at b.spinoza.42 at Thanks

17 October, 2006 00:41  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Thank you kindly, sir, for joining the hundreds who read my blog, and for being one of the few to actually comment :-)"

"The hundreds?!" More like 600 in a year! Pathetic.

27 August, 2007 09:05  
Blogger Truth said...

anonymous: "The hundreds?!" More like 600 in a year! Pathetic.

Last time I checked six hundred is hundreds, maybe we'll get to thousands of readers when I have time to post some more...

שנה טובה


09 September, 2007 11:34  

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