Sunday, January 15, 2006

What Went Wrong

The solution to many serious problems begins with an analysis of what went wrong.

Fortunately, in this case regarding present-day Israel, there is a wealth of verified/easlily verifiable information available, as well as interesting, penetrating and relevant observations by many different persons of great insight and wisdom.

Allow me to state my conclusions:

The majority of early Jewish Nationalists (aka 'Zionists') were not religious enough (if at all), whilst the majority of Religious Jews were not nationalistic enough (if at all).

Note how little difference it made (and makes) whether the Jewish Nationalist was 'left' or 'right' wing: the 'leftist' (stalinist/bolshevik/socialist/humanist/post-Zionist, in order of currency) have 'national policies' devoid of any (overt) Religious underpinnings; the 'rightist' (revisionist/capitalist/nationalist) also is lacking any particular Religious foundation (beyond lip-service to the 'traditional' constituency).

A small sample of the fruits of these barren 'ideologies':

Leftists: 'Kastner' and other dirty betrayals of European Jewry during the Holocaust, the 'Season', 'Altalena', 'Yeminite Children' [kidnapping], Destruction of social/family order of sephardic immigrants, Histadrut corruption and blacklisting of any non-Mapai party member, surrender of control of newly Liberated Jewish Holy Sites ('67), disastrous failures leading to tragedy and near defeat ('73), Oslo treason (that's the definition by Israeli law at the time) leading to importation and revitalisation of nearly broken PLO from Tunisia to Gaza and Judea and Samaria (and all the murder and mayhem that we are suffering since), fleeing from Southern Lebanon and abandoning it to Hizballa as well as betraying our SLA (South Lebanese Army) allies.

Rightist: Abandonment of Liberated Sinai land and assets (oil and gas wells, military bases, destruction of settlements there; 'Camp David Peace Accords'), Failure to destroy PLO in Lebanon during 'Peace for Galilee' (due to 'foreign pressure', as usual), continuation of Oslo travesty (with further capitulation at 'Wye Accords'), and most recently, the deportation/destruction abomination (removing the Jews of Gaza), as well as little to no effective response to barrages of missiles/mortars. Destruction of Jewish 'outposts' whilst ignoring illegal 'land grabs' and such maneuvers by Arabs.

Now, one might ask, what about those 'Religious' parties who supply representation. The answer is simple: NRP (National Religious Party) - political whores, not enough Religion or Nationalism there. Just look at the by-products of their control for most years of the Education Ministry... Ashkenazi 'Charedi' parties (non-nationalistic) - sole interest is protecting constituency from military duty, and funding for institutions, claim to defend Shabbat and Kashrut (so why are so many non-kosher items available so freely, and why is Shabbat violated so flagrantly in public, especially by public officials). Here we have an obvious failure of the entire raisson d'etre of the Ashkenazi Chareidi parties. The 'exemption' from military duties for 'yeshiva students' is a false victory; the only result of that 'exemption' is a rallying cause for anti-religious haters. (The 'threat' to draft yeshiva students was a bluff, and a trap. The Chareidim failed to call that bluff, and fell right into the trap. But that's a subject for another post).

'Shas' - the 'Sefardi Torah Guardians' party; let's put it this way, when this party arose, someone commented, "Wait, isn't this supposed to be an ethnic religious Sephardic-issues party? Then why are those clowns dressed up as Litvak mitnagdim?" Unfortunately, the corruption and political harlotry played by this party speaks for itself...

(I'm intentionally leaving banned, Jewish 'racist'/'terrorist' parties (by definiton of their 'right wing' competition in the Knesset) out here, as well as minor travesties like Moledet, Tzomet, Tchiya, which are all defunct now).

To Be continued...
